A new 7″ single from The Cravats? What does this one sound like then?
Really? Okay, it sounds like an invisible Land Rover full of grimacing stoats, re-entering Earth’s atmosphere backwards . . . .
Does that help? Nah, thought not. Best have a listen.
It’s called Shy and is a song of malevolent mutant Motown about er, being shy.
Shy? The Cravats don’t exactly come across as reticent, retiring members of the human race. For a start their frontman is the size of a combine harvester for heaven’s sake.
Well, they are. Everyone is, but some spend a lifetime pretending they’re not or they wear a clown mask.
Rather than locking it up, why not shout about it. Embrace Alan Anxiety in your head and wave it like a flag in the face of your flustered fellows.
Also it’s not necessarily a bad thing as those feelings of apprehension have stopped you doing a whole heap of damned stupid things throughout your life. Running across the road in front of that bloody big lorry, going to that party full of wassocks and of course wearing flip flops or bungee jumping.
It’s ruddy nature watching out for you so let’s dance in defiance.
The B Side, Good For You is the opposite and therefore not like Shy at all. Best have a listen.
Shy is taken from the forthcoming Cravats LP due for release on Overground Records in February 2020.
Whenever I start to feel important, I think ‘well, I never did much for The Cravats and I didn’t stop Toyah’ – JOHN PEEL
Great to hear a saxophonist playing riffs . . . This group are vicious in their intent, yet relaxed taste abounds – MARK E. SMITH
One of the greatest bands in the history of music – HENRY ROLLINS
I still have every Cravats record I know of – JELLO BIAFRA