Two blinking new tracks by The Ex: direct, urgent, wilful and joyfully obstinate. Recorded in the rehearsal room in three hours and mixed in two: fat -free and no words wasted.
“How Thick You Think” is inspired by the short film “Neighbours” (Norman McLaren, 1952). The story is a parable about two people who come to blows over the possession of a flower. The sentence “I think food with music means peace” comes from a painting by Lucebert.
“That’s Not A Virus” builds on a typical Ex beat: a melodic and unique rhythm, freshly pulled out of the Dutch clay, sounding as if it already exists for 2000 years. The lyrics work like a crack in the wall through which you look at the space between people; what people reveal of themselves, show to each other and the categorical insecurity that comes with it.
Recorded at the Jottem! Studio in Wormerveer, November 27, 2013.
Engineered and mixed by Andy and Arnold.
Mastered at Next To Jaap Studio in Voorhout by Corno Zwetsloot.
Made, played, recorded and released by The Ex.