Lahcen Akil & The Chaabi Brothers LP
Lahcen, est né en 1969, au village de Tamlalte, dans le haut-atlas marocain. Bercé par la musique acoustique et les
chants traditionnels, il débute la musique très jeune.
Auteur-compositeur, il interprète ses chansons qui parlent de la beauté de sa région, en berbère local, le tamazirte et les traduit lui-même en français ou en arabe.
Il interprète ses chansons sur un lothar qu’il a fabriqué lui même,avec un manche en bois, une caisse de résonance en palmier et une peau de chèvre tendue. Il est régulièrement accompagné de son frère aux percussions.
Mais c’est surtout un artisan, il fabrique des poignards berbères, travaille le métal, sculpte différents matériaux.
Lui et son frère maitrisent parfaitement les méthodes traditionnelles de travail du pisé pour la construction des murs, du bois et des roseaux pour les toitures.
Le savoir des bâtisseurs de Casbah se perpétue de génération de génération.
Coproduction avec Do it Youssef, Animal Biscuit, ET MON CUL C'EST DU TOFU?, Red Wig
Téléchargement Libre / Free Download (250)
Lahcen was born in 1969 in the village of Tamlalte in the Moroccan High Atlas. Influenced by acoustic music and traditional songs, he started music very young. As songwriter, he performed his songs about the beauty of the region.
He interprets his songs on a lothar that he made himself, with a wooden handle, a palm soundboard and goatskin. He is regularly accompanied by his brother on percussion.
Massicot 'Morse' LP
Das Quartett aus Genf wandelt mit einem ausgesprochenen Gespür für fesselnde Rhythmen auf den Pfaden von The Ex, Dog Faced Hermans und den Mekons. 'Morse' ist ihre zweite LP, und wurde in Koproduktion von Mon Cul, Kaka Kids und red wig herausgebracht.
Le Singe Blanc LP
Coprod' avec Mon Cul, la Face Cachée, Aredje, Redwig, Whosbrain, Musica per Organi Cald.
Prince Buju ‘We Are In The War’ CD/LP
Prince Buju (real name Aduko Saabo) is a Kologo musician from the north of Ghana. He has a rough and direct voice which he uses to sing emotionally charged songs. These deal with loss and disaster, war and hatred, and with people who should realize that, if they want to have a happier life, they should change their ways. With only two strings and one grinding voice he cuts through borders and languages and reaches out to the rest of the world. Many of the songs on We Are In War were previously released on casette in Ghana. Though Prince Buju is a dedicated rastafarian, his music -as a style- has little to do with roots reggae. If you enjoyed the Makkum release of King Ayisoba, you’ll love this one too!
CD version released in February 2015, LP to follow 6th of April.
Kurws ‘All That Is Solid Melts Into Air’ LP
(the) Kurws formed in May 2008 as an unexpected result of a ping pong session. Since then they have pursued their own search, not so much in defined genres, but within the very foundations of rock, expression, and sound. It is a workshop where improvisation penetrates through composed material, a congealed form of the creation process. Armed with repetitions, recombinations, variations and contrasts, they frolic with memory and expectations. Post punk, krautrock, rock in opposition, funk, no wave – they present modes of playing, motives, and riffs we have heard time and time again in a totally different context, dissected from their original environment, placed side by side, used in a brand new manner, deconstructed and distilled.
Their debut album “Hole in the ghetto” was released in 2011 in Europe in a joint venture by Qulturap, Oficyna Biedota, Trująca Fala, and Blinded, and in the US by Bat Shit Records. The band has played numerous gigs throughout Europe and are faithful henchmen of DIY principles.
Depending on the circumstances, the band functions as a trio:
Dawid Bargenda (drums)
Hubert Kostkiewicz (guitar)
Kuba Majchrzak (bass)
… or as a quartet/quintet, enriched with one or several of the following members:
Piotrek Zabrodzki (LXMP, Baaba, Efekt Moozgu) – synthesizer (2012 -)
Oskar Carls (Saigon, Davaj) – saxophone (2012 -)
Piotr Łyszkiewicz – saxophone (2013 – )
Ex members: Krzysztof Tokarski – saxophone (2009 – 2012), Wojciech Bajda – bass clarinet, clarinet B (2011-2012)
Listen here:
ideas not esthetics
The LP version will come out on the 8th of April, 2015. 500 Copies.
Keith John Adams ‘Roughhousing’ LP
Vinyl co-release on 4 labels: Vacilando ‘68 in the UK, Red Wig in Germany, PIAPTK in Tucson, Arizona & Gray Sky from San Francisco.
Peculiar vinyl mastering: The digital version of the album is a recording of the vinyl album being played on a vintage hi-fi turntable, replete with suface noise and the odd pop. It’s available on CD and from the usual online stores from Functional Electric in the UK.
Keith John Adams says the title of his new album, Roughhousing, is both a description of the recording and a mission statement. The tracks were bashed out at speed to maintain the fun and excitement of recording and to give them a chaotic edge. Adams played nearly all the instruments in a series of sessions around his home town, London. Like a character actor, he adopted different personas for the different instruments to give the recording more of a band sound - despite it being a multi-tracked single musician. Keeping the rough edges also helped it sound more like a rehearsal tape - as was the plan. The tracks Change, No Room & Music In My Feet have already been played on the BBC’s 6Music in the UK. Keith John Adams and the Wildlife will be playing shows in Europe and the US in 2015.
Of the Music in My Feet/No Room double a-side:
“The contrast of sounds is brilliant... This single is great” SEESOUND
“Good wholesome fun from start to finish. This is honest, open and catchy music” WHISPERIN AND HOLLERIN’
Roughhousing is KJA’s 4th solo album after a slow 6 years, prompted chiefly by becoming a father of two. He’s been making music solo since the start of the century though, chiefly in the US where the Athens, Georgia based HHBTM label released two of his albums. That led to tours playing on bills with Of Montreal, Neutral Milk Hotel, Apples in Stereo, Deerhoof and Mountain Goats. He’s also toured Japan with HHBTM label mates Elekibass.
“Great non-programatic pop” THE WIRE
“Addictively fun and off-beat” TREBLEZINE
“Joyously upbeat, reminiscent of Macca at his most catchy” RECORD COLLECTOR
The first three solo albums:
2002’s Sunshine Loft, a quirky folk-pop live recording made in a loft in east London with some longtime collaborators including Rhodri Marsden, currently playing keyboards for Scritti Politti, Matt Armstrong, currently playing bass on Bill Fay’s new records, and an occasional dripping cistern.
2005’s Pip, a fun pop freak-beat affair recorded in London by Ant Chapman of Collapsed Lung.
2008’s Unclever, a garage rock/pop album recorded in Athens GA with Casper and the Cookies (ex Of Montreal) as backing band. KJA wrote and recorded personal songs for the first 40 people to pre-order Unclever from the label, a gruelling assignment that was written about in the Guardian. It took six weeks of almost constant writing and recording.
The more youthful KJA was the singer and driving force behind the 1990s band, Zuno Men. The Melody Maker put them in their A to Z of Crusty, perhaps for want of any other bands beginning with Z. Their 1997 single, Stay in with Me, was Single of the Week on Mark Radcliffe and Mark Riley’s BBC Radio 1 afternoon show. They were labelled art-skiffle by the NME, and the description still often holds true for KJA’s sometimes folky, sometimes garagey, odd-ball pop music.
Released 1st December 2014.
Our favorite online record store says:
Great album by this guy from London. Filled with clever, catchy and witty, joyously upbeat and uplifting pop songs! Sounds smart and makes you feel good from start to finish. One song is called "Music In My Feet", and that's exactly what it sound and feels like.
Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp 'Lentillières/Elephants' 7"
Release date 4th of April 2014. From the same session as the new album, these two tracks come on a neatly packed 7" single.
Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp 'Rotorotor' CD/LP
Release date april 4th, 2014.
Sortie le 4 avril 2014 sur Moi J’Connais Records and RedWig / MJCR027-RW011
rw 011
Lovers 'Welcome Home' 7"
Lovers - Welcome home - Three songs released on a seven inch for their european fall tour. Initially sold at concerts. The single contains 'wander through the time of hearts', 'boxer' and 'lavender light'. Two songs taken from the new album 'a friend in the world' out on badman recording, 'boxer' taken from the 2010 album 'dark light'. Get it here, see 'shop online' page for details. released 31.10.2013 - rw 010
X-Mist records schreibt im Dezember-Newsletter:
LOVERS “Welcome Home” - Erschienen zur Europa-Tour (November 2013) und jetzt auch offiziell erhältlich. 3 wunderschöne, herzerwärmende Electro-Pop Chansons des Damen-Trios aus Portland. Synthesizer, Schlagzeug und dazu ein herausragend schöner Gesang. Irgendwie muss ich dabei an YAZOO denken – und das meine ich als Kompliment.
aus dem OX 112 - Feb/März 2014:
LOVERS - Welcome Home 7"
Auf dieser EP finden sich zwei Stücke vom aktuellen LOVERS-Album 'A Friend In The World' und eines vom 2010er 'Dark Light'. Die sind ziemlich eingängig, vor allem für LOVERS-Verhältnisse. 'A Friend In The World' fand ich streckenweise etwas schwurbelig und damit nicht so recht zugänglich. Auf dieser EP machen es einem die Lovers aber leicht, sie zu mögen. Sowohl 'Wander through the time of hearts' als auch 'Boxer' und 'Lavender light' sind eingängig und machen neugierig auf das, was die Band sonst so kann. Die kommt übrigens aus Portland, Oregon und bewegt sich im queer-feministischen Umfeld. (7) Julia Brummert
Kanipchen Fit 'Multibenefit' CD
Gloria Holwerda-Williams : Vocals and tambourine, Empee Williams : Vocals and guitar + effects.
Empee is also guitarist and vocalist for the Netherlands group SOLBAKKEN. Gloria is a poet and vocalist who combines song and word in her solo performances. Together they perform as KANIPCHEN-FIT sans drummmer, who is still in Amsterdam where they last performed at clubs Paradiso and Occii. Their music driven upside with lyrics which groove into your ears.
Kanipchen-Fit are about simple and straightforward songs with double vocals, a rough and long guitar,
but with unexpected rhythmic and harmonic changes, avoiding rock-cliches. With ten songs in half an hour,
Kanipchen-Fit doesn't waste much time getting to the point. Save for a few overdubs, Multibenefit is a live recording, with background noise, little mistakes and streetcars roaring overhead blending into the mix.
Release date: 15/04/2010 // March 22nd